what is powers in math


Power in math:

Power is a number or letter written above the base number. it is usually written on the right side of the base number. the power of any number means to say that how many times we use a number in a multiplication. the power tell us how many times we multiply a base number by itself. It is also called exponent or indices.

Definition of Powers in Math

Notation for Power

Generally we detonated the power as `\left(base\right)^{power}`. Just like that 5⁸ here 5 is the base and 8 is the power  and we say that the base 5 multiply 8 times by itself. Sometime we denoted power as ^. i.e. 5^8.

when the power of any number is 2 then we called it squared like 5^2 we say that 5 squared. similarly when the power of any base number is 3 then we called it cubed just like 4^3 and we call it as 4 cubed.

Examples for Power in Math

Example no 1 Power:

5³= 5×5×5 = 125

It is the three power  of five. It’s means to say that we multiply the base number five by three times and we get the answer.

Example no 2 Power

3² = 3×3 =9

It is the two power of three.

This means to say that we multiply the base number three by two times.

It is also called exponent or indices.

Negative power in Math

The negative power of any number is written as `4^{-2}` and we can solve this as 1/4²=1/ 4×4.

Note for zero Power

If the power is 1 then its means the number is unchanged  for example 7¹= 7.

If the power is 0 then the answer is 1 like 8⁰= 1.

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