Infinite series are of great importance in both pure and applied mathematics. They play a significant role in physics and engineering. In fact many function can be represented by infinite series.
- Definition.
LET a : N→R be a sequence. The values (images) of function a at the points 1,2,3,... will be donate by aו , aշ, aз,... instead of a a(1) , a(2) , a(3) ,... Although a sequence is a function but it is customary that the range
aו, aշ, aз,,..
of a sequence a: N→R is often called a sequence. aⵏ, a2, aз.,.... are called terms of a sequence. A convenient device to specify a sequence is to state a formula for its nth. the sequence
1, 1/2, 1/3, ..., 1/n
may be specified by writing its nth term an = 1/n and the sequence is symbolically written as {1/n}.
the sequence aו, aշ, aз,,.... is written in bracket notation as {an}.
A sequence {an} is said to converge if its nth term approaches a defined numbers as n increase without bound. Formally, a sequence {an} is said to have the limit L, if given any e>0, there exists a positive integers N such that
|an-L| < ε for all n ≥ N
This is equivalent to saying that all terms of sequence, when n ≥ N, belong to the open interval
] L - ɛ, L + ε [