A group G is said to be cyclic if every element of g is power of one and the same element a (say), of G.
A cyclic group is a group that can be generated by a single element. (the group generator). Cyclic groups are Abelian
such an element a of G is called a generator of G.
if the order of a a is finite, that is, if there is least positive integer n such that a^n=e, then G is said to be a finite cyclic group of order n and written as
How do you know if a group is cyclic?
A finite group is cyclic if, and only if, it has precisely one subgroup of each divisor of its order. So if you find two subgroups of the same order, then the group is not cyclic, and that can help sometimes.
Cosets of subgroup H in group G:
Let be a subgroup of a group . If , the right coset of generated by is, = { };
and similarly, the left coset of generated by is = { }
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